4m bulletin

Join 4M!, IAQSense, IT2014, Precision Engineering Conference, DTU Summer School, Nanomanufacturing Conference, Electronics Conference, Call for Papers - Microfactories, Microfluidic Conference, Call for Papers - Nanoscale, FSRM Training

REMINDER: Renew your 4M Membership for 2014

joinus If you would like to renew your annual membership, or join the 4M Association as a new member, please contact the Secretariat for more information. Benefits of membership include reduced conference fees, networking opportunities, access to 4M research infrastructure and knowledge and much more. Membership is annual and runs from January to December. Join us today!>>

NEW European Project Launch - IAQSense


The European commission launches a new project entitled IAQSense to address the ever growing concern of indoor air quality (IAQ) in closed environments such as buildings and vehicles. A consortium of 10 partners from 5 countries will tackle this issue with very ambitious objectives during a 3-year research program. The system will consist of nanotechnology-based sensors: spectrometer on chip, polar ionization detector, and molecule traces detector using piezo-cantilever based balance and integrated electronics for fast pattern recognition of a large variety of VOCs and hazardous compounds, clearly identified from each other. Read more>>

4M 2020 Exhibits at Industrial Technologies 2014


The 4M2020 CSA project exhibited at the Megaron International Conference Centre in Athens along with other projects that represented 'Innovative production technologies for high precision 3D microparts'. The project team included SMARTFRAME, NANORA, MINAM, PRIME to name a few. Read more>>

14th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology

14theuro June 2 - 6, 2014 | Venue: Dubrovnik, Croatia

The European Commission has identified a number of key enabling technologies as being main drivers for developing the European industry sectors until year 2020. These include Micro- and nano-electronics, Photonics, Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Biotechnology and Advanced manufacturing and processing. Read more>>

DTU PhD Summer School -

dtusummer June 16 - 27, 2014 | Venue: Technical University of Denmark

For the 8th consecutive year, DTU is organising the PhD Summer School on "Micro Mechanical Systems Design and Manufacturing". The Summer School, supported by 4M is scheduled to run for two weeks at the end of June, from 16/06 to 27/06. 4M are offering six sponsored places for PhD students. The contents encompass an introduction to micro manufacturing technologies, design of micro components, metrology and tolerancing of micro components, as well as practical work on a project were the students apply the acquired knowledge to design and produce a prototype micro product. Read more>>

4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing

nanoman2014 July 8 - 10, 2014 | Venue: Bremen, Germany

Global trends towards miniaturisation have opened new fields in science and technology. The push for nanotechnology has extended the field of manufacturing so that a new discipline known as nanomanufacturing has emerged. Nanomanufacturing encompasses the synthesis of material sciences, fabrication of devices and systems, characterisation methods and applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies. Read more>>

5th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference

estc2014 September 16 – 18, 2014 | Venue: Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland

Organized by IEEE-CPMT since 2006, the Electronics System-Integration Technology Conferences (ESTC) series is the premier venue for academics and industry to present and discuss the latest developments in assembly and interconnection technology and new applications. Read more>>

CALL FOR PAPERS: 9th International Workshop on Microfactories

iwmf2014 October 5 – 8, 2014 | Venue: Honolulu, HI - USA

There is incredible potential in reducing the physical scale of numerous processes related to the manufacture of many forms of future dense "mechatronic" products and the manipulation of microscopic and nanoscopic objects and materials for the benefit of mankind. Small systems capable of these operations can be referred to as "microfactories." Read more>>

2nd Conference on MicroFluidic Handling Systems

mhfs2014 October 8 – 10, 2014 | Venue: University of Freiburg

The 2nd International Conference on Microfluidic Handling Systems (MFHS 2014) focuses mainly on the technology, components, devices and systems that enable the application in microfluidic systems. It provides an excellent opportunity for scientists and engineers from academia, research institutes and companies to discuss the latest results in the field of microfluidic handling systems. Read more>>

CALL FOR PAPERS: The 4th International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale

3mnano October 27 – 31, 2014 | Venue: Taipei, Taiwan

The ultimate ambition of this conference series is to bridge the gap between nanosciences and engineering sciences, aiming at technology opportunities and new markets. The advanced technologies for manipulation, manufacturing and measurement at nanoscale promise novel revolutionary products and methods in numerous areas of application.Scientists working in research fields related to 3M-NANO topics are invited to submit papers. Read more>>

Training Courses in Microsystems

FSRM FSRM (Fondation suisse pour la recherche en microtechnique) offers a comprehensive range of training courses, in a number of languages (English, French, German). They are pleased to offer members of the 4M Association a 15% discount on course fees. To receive the discount, add comment '15% discount for 4M members'. Read more>>

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