We recommend that you use the Hotel booking service provided by the accommodation bureau of the Stuttgart-Marketing office, which is offered completely free of charge.

The Deadline for bookings is 26th September 2011.

The password for this service is 4m2011.

To access it go to the accommodation bureau webpages. This will help you search and find a hotel that is suitable for you. Once you have selected a Hotel you can make your booking via the following options:

1.) Online booking: Via the accommodation bureau webpages you may directly proceed to your online reservation. All hotels are listed, incl. short descriptions and categories. Confirmation of reservation will be issued per email immediately upon successful booking.

2.) Reservation by fax or email: Please send your fax to no. +49 / (0) 711-22 28 251 or email your enquiry to kundenservice@stuttgart-tourist.de always stating the password “4m2011”. Please indicate your adress, travel data and the favoured hotel. Confirmation of reservation will be sent by separate fax or email.

3.) Reservation by phone: You may also reserve your hotel room by phone, stating the password “4m2011”. Our hotel service center is at your disposal from Mon to ri, 08.00 am to 6:00 pm, phone: +49 / (0) 711-22 28 100. Confirmation of reservation will be sent by separate fax or email.

Please note the booking deadline! In case of cancellation or change of booking of your confirmed reservation, please contact again the hotel department of Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH (contact details above)